Friday, July 6, 2007

We finished up this week's lecture with a good teaching on "The Two Trees". To sum of the five days, Ron Smith taught that as believers we are each constantly eating from either the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil (a religion of works, law & legalism, weight & heaviness of performance, external activity, studious of truth) or the Tree of Life (reality of Jesus, grace & love, joy & strength of His presence, internal experience, experience of truth). Too many pages of notes . . . good stuff . . .

Our 4th of July celebration was really good! Because we had been told that we were going to have a barbecue for the entire base, I posed the question to Nat, "A bbq! I wonder what they'll have to eat!?" When I looked out our apartment window (where the celebration was taking place), I saw the guys cooking hamburger patties and hot dogs. I realized that in Texas we call that a "cookout"! When told we were going to have a barbecue, my Texas mind immediately began conjuring up thoughts of brisket . . . or steaks . . . or ribs . . . or maybe chicken . . . But the hamburgers and hotdogs were really good, and the trimmings are just what I would have served at my Texas barbecue . . . potato salad, baked beans and watermelon! Although I would have served garlic bread, too! But they made up for it by having apple pie! Some of the kids popped off some fireworks (with older "kids" supervising). I don't know which was more fun, watching the fireworks or the Koreans watching the fireworks! We're sure enjoying our new friends from South Korea . . .

TGIF!!! Laundry, homework, SLEEP, church, and a class outing tomorrow to Silver Creek Falls State Park. Some of our team have already been and say it is really beautiful. And we have been told that we are having a cookout . . . I'll have to get back with you on what we actually eat!


mnspak said...

" believers, we are each constantly eating from either the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil (a religion of works, law & legalism, weight & heaviness of performance, external activity, studious of truth) or the Tree of Life (reality of Jesus, grace & love, joy & strength of His presence, internal experience, experience of truth)"
"The Two Trees".....what a great analogy! Your DTS seems to be strengthening your appetite for the Tree of Life.
Much love........MN

mnspak said...

"And we have been told that we are having a cookout . . . I'll have to get back with you on what we actually eat!"
Remember Mom's stories about what the folks in BattleCreek Michigan considered chili and what she was accustomed to eating? Enjoy the cookout! We're going to celebrate Garrett's birthday with pizza! YUM!